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Cansarp Kaya, Ph.D.

I specialize in compliance within the private sector and hold a doctoral degree from ETH Zurich, obtained in March 2017. Explore this webpage to delve into my academic work, primarily centered around member-state compliance with EU law and the interesting world of interest group politics.

My latest works

Do interest groups merely shape policy formulation, or do they continue to exert influence during policy implementation? In my latest paper, "Providing information and building capacity: interest group involvement in the application of EU law",  published in West European Politics, I argue that citizens and businesses are not only impacted by the way EU policies are implemented in member states but also actively mobilize at this crucial stage. The paper examines interest group activities through the lens of "information exchange".

My PhD dissertation is now accessible to the public, unraveling the curious relationship between compliance and lobbying. In this piece of work, I delve into the captivating field of interest groups, examining their presence during the pivotal stages of transposition and practical implementation in EU policy-making. The dissertation applies some innovative methodologies to measure both legal and practical compliance within the EU.

I was featured in an interview by the TAF Network, a dynamic organization that bridges the gap between ambitious students longing to study abroad and Turkish academicians working overseas. We spoke about my personal journey, the challenges I conquered, the realms of political sciences and business administration, as well as the topic of the EU and the candidate states. The interview is in Turkish.

Although it is commonly believed that the degree of legal compliance dictates the extent of practical implementation, exceptions arise when when the application process runs smoothly despite a challenging transposition phase. In collaoration with Asya Zhelyazkova and Reini Schrama, I dissect the concept of "outperformance" in our paper titled "When Practice Goes beyond Legislators' Expectations: Analysis of Practical Implementation Exceeding Legal Compliance with EU directives" published at JCMS.

I shared my insights on the present and the future of the EU with 20 Minuten.  Eurobarometer 86 reveals a notable surge in the number of Europeans embracing a positive image of the EU. However the question remains: will this transformative shift influence the Juncker Commission and shape the upcoming elections in the Netherlands, France, and Germany?

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